Freaking demon, sit and die
I don’t want to hear any more of your lies.
You can’t keep poking at that sore
because I won’t listen anymore.
You have nothing on me that you didn’t make;
listening to you before was my mistake.
I have nothing that I’m going to give you
because I have to heal.

I don’t need anything I don’t already have
and if you don’t like that, it’s just too bad.
Go away from me now
because I’m tired of feeling low,
and I know you’re dragging me down!
So I shed myself of you and your extra pounds.
It’s time to leave the past to itself
because all this stress should be left.

So I order you in Jesus name
to let me alone because I like staying sane!
Don’t make me see and hear you
because I won’t anymore.
I’m the one in control here,
so I’ll pass it straight to the Higher!
Leave me be because it’s not my choice.
I’ve already given myself to the Lord.

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