Oh yay, someone gave me the last Honor I needed to get three of the gems in Honor. <3

So that’s what I’m squealing about today–thanks to the player who gave me that honor. ^^ (Nothing too fancy in the game itself…just something to show off, I think. XD Still quite fun all around!)

How is everyone doing with your games? I’d love to hear about your successes and wins in any video game you are playing; let’s get this chatter going! And I’d also enjoy hearing about new games in general too.

Before I forget, it might take a bit of time before I can tell my spam-guardian thingabob that your comment is safe if it panics. I’ve been sleeping with some insane hours and my MS meds haven’t had time to catch up yet. Do not worry, I’ll have your comment okayed as soon as I can! So I really look forward to chatting with y’all! 💖

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