I’ve been attached to Sims 4 lately and am a bit proud of a couple things that’s happened. So I have got to share them!

First off, I bought Tiny Living lately. Have definitely been enjoying the cheaper utilities with it! The price for utilities for this small house is only 146 simoleans. So Tiny Living in Henford-on-Bagely has let me build a cute little farm!

Against better judgment, I also in the process of growing a Cowplant. Wish me luck, I have no idea how to keep it from eating Niko. …Wish me so much luck, please.

It might be alright though. (Hah!)
Niko has gone and made friends with the Grim Reaper! Did you know that the Grim Reaper likes the color blue? No lying, he told Niko that himself!

So far, Niko managed to pay some money to Bess Sterling and eventually got paid back 20,000 simoleans. That’s how I built the whole farm on an Off the Grid game without giving him a job? And now, the farm has been keeping him up with at least 1000 simoleans a pop!
When anything else important happens, I’ll be sure to let y’all know.

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