Loving how that dark background has brought everything forward! (Thanks to Backseat Drawing for the tip) Need to play more with Riac’s light and shadows to Trezari and Zen. But this piece is slowly getting closer to the finish line.
Something neat that I just found! Brought up the magic’s light sources and duplicated the light/shadow on the characters. It looks so very much better, imo! It brought Riac even closer to the camera! So that clearly means that Trez and Zen need the same treatment. Yay on that!

Oh, about Final Fantasy XIV! I recently found my password again. So we all know the picture is probably going to be overlooked a little bit, right? I am definitely going to try to act like the game isn’t totally brand new but it’s been about a month or so that I haven’t looked at it…
Tsk tsk tsk. Surely I’ll do my job and paint on my own pictures. XD

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