Original Character-XFIA-Chill
Just look at how well this figure has been drawn! She looks quite realistic, in my opinion, and it’s super how well he drew her uniform! In the comments below the image, GBSartworks mentions that this took him about ten hours. (And here I am saying only 10 hours?!) Time very well spent, in my opinion. Especially as well as all of this color has come out! They match together so well!
Original Character-XFIA-Obliterate
I’ve learned that this character is named Xfia and she’s an android. That explains some things very nicely in these two pieces; like why her eyes are so bright. Imagining that she has a bit of light behind them makes sense!
Do you notice that both of those spheres she’s using as weapons have different looks on their “faces”? Makes it so fun to look around the whole image!
Original Character-XFIA-Reloaded
The colors here pop so well against each other and she looks so cool in this position, like she just turned around to hop out of the saddle. I wonder what kind of creature she’s riding? It’s far too tall in the neck to be a motorcycle. It looks awesome though!
I wonder if this one might have taken another 10 hours? Either way, excellent work!
As you have seen, these artworks here are amazing and he has so many more in his gallery here at this link. Go and check the rest of it out!

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