Newest edit on Tre (and a feature from dA)

Tre Arlet

As you can most likely tell, Tre looks funny when he’s bald. When I get his hair on him, I’m probably going to bounce to his knives or claws. (‘specially since I’ve been delaying hands long enough!)

Been planning to draw another head that is smirking at whatever he’s looking at, but I’m getting so frustrated. XD
That said, thanks to PuNK-A-CaT on deviantart. They gave me several links that I can use to study the way that hair should look from the side, so surely it will come together soon enough. ^^

I’d like to show off some of PuNK-A-CaT’s work here. I’m personally loving the skill they have in traditional works! So trot on over to these links and take a look yourself!

Love this dragon’s wings and its color. He almost looks like he’s trying to decide what to do with some adventurer that woke him up! (At least in my mental story.)

The next drew my eye because I love skillful nature scenes. The patterning on the mountain does a lovely job of showing off the stones and the sense of looking further back has been done so well.

Last in this feature, you have got to see this cat! It’s painted with acrylics–doesn’t it just look ready to pet? The eyes and fur look so realistic and I just want to play with those whiskers.

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