I’ve changed a few things on my current site, http://rachburns.wix.com/digital-commissions. It’s turned out very much like a design that I fell in love with. So for now, this site will need to do–at least until I can get a host and or domain for a good price.

Because I think I’m not going to be happy until I do, of course. *facepalm* Cause I’m silly like that.

(Still using the calculator you fixed up to check prices, Div! Thanks for it, it’s helping.)

Also. I had someone approach me about my site not changing pages for them. I’m so sorry if things don’t behave for you! I and a few others checked things out and none of us had the problem. Perhaps one of your add ons is causing trouble? Anything like noscript or others of that kind could be blocking something. 

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