How did I not know this exists!

So much about drawing characters. Not only drawing them. Drawing them in such a way that the character wouldn’t be stiff or actually seeing how to do hair or something (without having to simply paint it on or some such)…

Even if I am doing all I can to see if I can afford some kind of hosting or at least a domain, I may be juuust a little tad distracted. Just a little. 
Ohmygosh so much stuff to look at! To learn from! It’s such an exciting find!

If I can at least understand even just a bit of what these boards show, people may be more interested in buying some of my artwork. Of course, I’ll have to advertise better than I am right now. But this might help me make work worth advertising. Something that stands with some of the better pieces and that would actually be worth the asking price.

Not that I’m not proud of the skill I have. I just wanna improve!

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