This is a little shameful.

At least it is to me. I’m a fully formed woman humancreature and I always have to have help in drawing the boobs on any image I work on. It’s HORRIBLE, at least in my eyes! I have two fully formed gals who I might be able to force to work with me to see how they behave in certain poses but I can never seem to get anything to come out right by myself. 

However. Thanks to my friend, Cera does not have a pair of absolutely misshapen chest bags. Here’s the proof.

Need to fix her face a little more and apply some hair on top of her head. Then get her clothing drawn onto her. 
ONLY THEN will I be free to color her and color over the lines as if they never existed. It’s going to be so good when she finally comes out!

And I absolutely refuse for it to be anything else. So expect another month or so til I get to the fun part. 

(Edit 7/18)
update on today’s post

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