Character! I hear you, don’t give up!

“It feels odd when you’re having one of those days

that no words come to you even when you’re on a stage.
All the time to talk and to be heard
but nothing comes, not even a word.
I hate living in this kind of silence
when that evil is upon me. The Quiet.”

…and as frustrated as this character’s voice sounds to me, it’s like they complained. They gave me this piece and then fell silent!
I want to find this character now. Or maybe it’s part of one who already exists, a piece that they can’t ever show the people in their homeland? This is going to itch me to bits til I find who feels this. 

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0 thoughts on “Character! I hear you, don’t give up!

  1. "I see nothing wrong with treating them like they're real people. (I know non-artists see that behavior as wrong or objectionable, but I don't think they understand.) Sometimes they even feel more real than the people who live outside your head."

    I have to wonder if they'd see it so wrong if they had to realize that someone had to make their favorite movies and such? A different type of writing but someone's characters had to come alive enough for them to get to that point.

    At least in the better stories. XD

  2. "I see nothing wrong with treating them like they're real people. (I know non-artists see that behavior as wrong or objectionable, but I don't think they understand.) Sometimes they even feel more real than the people who live outside your head."

    I have to wonder if they'd see it so wrong if they had to realize that someone had to make their favorite movies and such? A different type of writing but someone's characters had to come alive enough for them to get to that point.

    At least in the better stories. XD

  3. Honestly, for me, I fully have to agree with the first paragraph. All too often I feel like I want to continue a story, but the characters haven't told me what happens next.

    I see nothing wrong with treating them like they're real people. (I know non-artists see that behavior as wrong or objectionable, but I don't think they understand.) Sometimes they even feel more real than the people who live outside your head.

    It doesn't seem disjointed to me at all.

  4. Honestly, for me, I fully have to agree with the first paragraph. All too often I feel like I want to continue a story, but the characters haven't told me what happens next.

    I see nothing wrong with treating them like they're real people. (I know non-artists see that behavior as wrong or objectionable, but I don't think they understand.) Sometimes they even feel more real than the people who live outside your head.

    It doesn't seem disjointed to me at all.

  5. Some of mine had gotten to that point where they were choosing their own ways. It was like I was caught in their wind and just had to keep up with what they were seeing and doing. Gosh it was fun while that was going on (for me).
    I stopped writing because I got it into my head that I couldn't anymore. That no one would go through the mess I was making. I wonder how many of the characters still wait on me.

    Or if they've given up on me just the same as I did to them. Part of me thinks that it's ridiculous I treat them this way, but I still 'know' that it's possible for them. We make our characters, give them life, and some of them do get too wise for their stories. Maybe just that they're trying to show us the next thing if we're courageous enough to follow.

    I apologize if I seem a little disjointed in this reply. My mind's a bit disjointed to me today as well.

  6. Some of mine had gotten to that point where they were choosing their own ways. It was like I was caught in their wind and just had to keep up with what they were seeing and doing. Gosh it was fun while that was going on (for me).
    I stopped writing because I got it into my head that I couldn't anymore. That no one would go through the mess I was making. I wonder how many of the characters still wait on me.

    Or if they've given up on me just the same as I did to them. Part of me thinks that it's ridiculous I treat them this way, but I still 'know' that it's possible for them. We make our characters, give them life, and some of them do get too wise for their stories. Maybe just that they're trying to show us the next thing if we're courageous enough to follow.

    I apologize if I seem a little disjointed in this reply. My mind's a bit disjointed to me today as well.

  7. "We all build things that grow beyond us, losing control and sight of our aims and the paths that we once walked. I know I too am guilty of that.

    I've starting writing so many times and so many different things. I fear for my characters, if they're still out there somewhere, waiting for me… I stop writing because I start caring so much about my characters that I don't want to ruin it for them. They become real in my head, and I don't know what they would do, what they would say…"


  8. "We all build things that grow beyond us, losing control and sight of our aims and the paths that we once walked. I know I too am guilty of that.

    I've starting writing so many times and so many different things. I fear for my characters, if they're still out there somewhere, waiting for me… I stop writing because I start caring so much about my characters that I don't want to ruin it for them. They become real in my head, and I don't know what they would do, what they would say…"


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