So, there’s a parade tomorrow!

And despite my best attempts, I’m going to be in it. XD The church had been preparing a float and being all bubbly and excited about it! It’s fun to talk to people about everything they’ve done, definitely, but I wasn’t interested in being in the middle of that–letting the people who knew how to build stuff do it. 

It is with this that I had thought I’d avoid the parade.

Nope. The Red Cross wanted me to be part of their group! And since it’s tomorrow, on my workday, anyhow…it really can’t hurt either. 
So this was the tale of how I got stuck in the parade. 

The good news is that the parade is definitely not going to be as long as the one in Ft. Payne. I was in JROTC since I was a freshman and in the Christmas parade there we marched from…somewhere around the middle school, (I want to say. It was somewhere on that street and we crossed into Main Street.), until we made it to the courthouse! 

This one is going to go from a church, down to the MUB, then circle and go back toward the church. That is not too long a distance in comparison, so I look forward to this. XD Dread how chill it’ll be but it shouldn’t be too hard to keep myself covered like I ought to–and I’ve liked cold a lot more than heat for ages!

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