It’s no secret that dA’s been sliding downward. So I’ve finally set myself a furAffinity account–surprising to me, but you don’t have to only post porn like stuff. XD (Shows how much I knew about it, right?) I’m ValeonKarra there.

Tis a little sad. The forums, currently, are about the only thing that’s worth anything there anymore. Then the few people who’s work I like to see. So I’ll probably keep poking around dA, I’m just tired of the nonsense that they do anymore. 

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0 thoughts on “Finally did it

  1. I won't either. There's no real point in it anymore–adblock does the job of keeping ads away and near everything I use is now for free members. So…no real reason to keep it up.

  2. I won't either. There's no real point in it anymore–adblock does the job of keeping ads away and near everything I use is now for free members. So…no real reason to keep it up.

  3. None taken. I get into a mess sometimes. *nod* Thanks for pointing it out!

    Very glad that you've got a decent following for dA. It's frustrating to get a lotta people that just have you for a number or something.
    What's irritated me about dA is that they're trying more for nothing but money instead of things that make the site interesting or more useful. I'm sorry dA, I'm not paying you for Muro or other nonsense things when I already have GIMP, Artrage, and Paint Tool Sai.

  4. None taken. I get into a mess sometimes. *nod* Thanks for pointing it out!

    Very glad that you've got a decent following for dA. It's frustrating to get a lotta people that just have you for a number or something.
    What's irritated me about dA is that they're trying more for nothing but money instead of things that make the site interesting or more useful. I'm sorry dA, I'm not paying you for Muro or other nonsense things when I already have GIMP, Artrage, and Paint Tool Sai.

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