A fun little list.

1. I’m beginning to wish that I had waited to post Kethrina. If oooonly I coulda waited the actual 6-7 days instead of exciting her right then…Lessons learned, maybe. 

2. Norux’s gonna be my next picture! I hope he forgives me for what I’ll do to him but I’ve been playing this tabletop pokemon game and I’ve had my eye on him being somewhere in a gym for weeks! 

3. No, spell-check. I’m certain that Kethrina’s name is not supposed to be Katherine or Katrina. No thank you for the change, she chose her own name ages ago. And while we’re at it, quit trying to make me change Norux to Northrup! 

    Especially when you’re like me and only starting out on the game. ;-; Very many respects to the builder(s)!

    Another thing that a friend just linked. And the last in my list because I’m cracking up over a situation in the video. XD

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