THIS is why one should not be a coward!

If you’re looking for a job, the worst and best thing you can do is ask. I’ve sat on my heels far too long since getting my phlebotomy certification because of being afraid “why would someone hire you over someone else?” and finding other ridiculous excuses to stay worried.

First, I wanna send a shout of “This office is SO darn good to their patients”. Doctor’s Med Care in Albertville, Alabama have some of the SWEETEST nurses and the dr is excellent. I’ve been seeing them for awhile and they always step above and beyond, as I’ve seen.
But today just totally shocked me.

I needed to go to the dr to get a medication question answered and, while things were winding down, finally got the nerve to ask about an application. Well! Dr Mishra talked a little about that, comparing a doctor’s office to a mini emergency room since everyone is always coughing and generally sick–which is honestly not a good thing for someone with MS, since the immune system is a little haywire anyway. 
But, he mentioned that I’d be better off in a lab setting! His nurse then mentioned that there’s one in town and that they have contact with them. She offered to find out the address of this lab and call me with the information so I could go put in an application there.

Still so very shocked. XD So very happy! And I was being afraid to do a thing because of some self imposed limitations and panicking. If there’s ever a proof that nervousness of this sort is only supposed to be a temporary setting, this is it! 

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