Aah, I finally got a domain!

It’s not exactly .art but I’m pleased with it nonetheless. XD www.rachburns.us is a thing! And even though it doesn’t go anywhere but the already often linked Wix site, I’ve been ‘thinking’ (Read: shaken and all other “horrors” that can be joked about over messengers) that maybe I won’t have to build a whole thing from the bottom up.

Goodness knows I can’t afford $100+ a year for hosting. Being on disability kinds prevents that, unfortunately. ^^;

BUT, I think that this is going to work out pretty well, anyway! It won’t hit me too awful badly that I had to use wix or another content manager to build the thing, right? As long as it’s kept up properly. Least that’s what I’m going to tell myself as I learn to advertise. >>;

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