Turnarounds–Character Sheet
I’ve done some work on his boots and on that strap going around his back on this piece. I can admit the boots don’t look exactly proper, but they look better than before I drew an oval around the leg opening. XD And that strap around Norux’s back looks better than just going straight down, as if he didn’t have any kind of form. 
Tutor said that the strap is showing Norux’s form now so I’m glad that it looks a bit better!

Climbing–Character Sheet
This climbing drawing has had a bit of editing to him too. Fixed up his arms to the best of my skill and worked out his boots and hair to a satisfying way!
Fire Pose–Character Sheet
Gosh I hope I have done something right on that extended foot. XD Sooner or later, I need to add the all important fire, but time hasn’t come yet. (Since that boot is being all kinds of annoying!) Still, it’s been fun to play with fixing up his hair to a decent movement and that blade worked perfectly on the pose, imo!
And there will soon be more; about 8 faces with some expressions!
Keep an eye out. ^^

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