Deviantart has been bought by Wix!

Angelo (Spyed) writes the Hot Topic like it’s a partnership. Here’s the dA link if anyone’s interested, but other sources say that Wix has bought 100% of dA.





Street Insider

Shouldn’t be surprised that dA is trying to make things look better than they are. The site’s been crashing for years, so maybe this buyout will help. …only thing though is that dA’s upper management, the ones in charge of why dA is crashing, are still in charge.
Hopefully I’ll be proven wrong on this; that, if they don’t walk proper lines, they can be fired or whatever.

Dunno though. dA has lived a full website lifespan. Good except the last third of it! Wouldn’t be surprised if Wix bought it just to set it aside and let it die, as happens to other places.

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