Original Character


Isn’t this such a fun style that Ayiong chose to draw and paint this? I personally love that furry neck piece of the character’s jacket and just look at the hair detail! And I have to point out how Ayiong handled those eyebrows. Aren’t they perfect for the style?
I also love that turtleneck he’s wearing underneath the jacket. Isn’t it set off beautifully from the jacket he’s wearing?

He x She

It’d be so fun to get to be in the place these two are performing! It seems to be some form of rock music, looking how the two are dressed.
Gosh, I love the detail on that guitar! I wonder how long Ayiong had to look at one to draw it so well? And again, take a look at how our eye is lead around with all of these colors. I personally see the singer immediately after taking in the guitar’s neck and I love her dress and hair. Such a beautiful piece!

Swimming Rooster

And the very best for last! Didn’t Ayiong do a super job drawing this scene? That fish doesn’t have a clue what is coming so let’s hope that it’s all quick. At least for the sake of the rooster, that dude has to surface sometime for his air. But he seems to be prepared. All he has to do is get that fish and get one of those lifebuoys to air up and I bet that he would get back to the surface in an instant!
And let’s speak about the painting! I love the color of the water, it’s so perfect to set off that golden color of the rooster–not to mention the slight gradient that Ayiong put into the water! Gorgeous and amazing work.

It was so much fun to go through Ayiong’s galleries, both the deviantArt and Behance ones that I shared here. Ayiong has an Artstation too, if you’re at all interested! I personally was; It’s so exciting to go through these galleries and see all the amazing work. Here’s hoping that you enjoy poking around too!

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