Agent Carter – Smoke and Mirrors
This portrait is amazing! I always love how someone does the hair and the figure’s clothing. And dfang21 certainly knows how to make hair look teased and designed!
The pink blouse is a color that Agent Carter tends to wear if I recall but I love how it helps set the character as standing before the background. And can we just look at how well dfang21 carved that nose in the painting! Excellent work!

This one is from Mulan 2020 apparently and I never watched the 2020 version. Forgive me for not knowing much about the character himself.
But what I can say is that this was another great work that dfang21 painted. The face certainly looks like it’s a strong character and that he has seen some battles. Love it!


And then finally, we get a couple of schoolkids holding hands and heading down the stairs! Isn’t this one so very cute? They seem to be stealing a couple moments during this brief time just to reaffirm the care for one another.
I wonder if they’re wearing school uniforms? It seems like it but there are so many similar clothing designs that I can’t make up my mind. XD

If you’re interested in seeing more of dfang21’s artwork, here is the link to her deviantart gallery! I’m sure that I say to check out my feature’s folders every time but I have got to suggest it this time. She keeps their themes set up very well!

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