
I love this color scheme! But I guess all of you know that I’m in love with blue, right?
That it seems to be on the edge of a pier is very fun. Are we about to be attacked by these two creatures? Are we about to make a deal? So many ideas!
That candle on the barrel does a great job in hinting that it’s where the light on the doll is coming from, too. The piece is so fun! Excellent work.


This character puts me in mind of those in D&D or Pathfinder, the Halfling race!
I wonder what she’s doing right now? Just doing her daily work or maybe intent to explore, just now coming out of town before she’s found her party. The grayscale makes me think of this image being a memory, too. Maybe she’s thinking about or retelling the story of where she began?


This is fun. I wonder what kind of situation put us here? It appears that we’ve been captured and are about to get Questioned by the ruler of the people who captured us. All the focus is on this ruler too, look at how hard it is to see what is away from this queen.
But what is with the chairs there? Are people going to be watching us while this is going on? So many ideas to play with!

These are all some pretty neat 3D pieces! Amatorem-Artifex has so many more in their dA gallery, here’s the link so you can go check it all out. 

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