I like to imagine myself in the places where photos are taken. Is Hop Kee a restaurant that’s busy all day? And the apartments in front of it, I bet no one is anxious about heights where this was taken. This photo has a fun angle to it, helps us to see so much in this section! Very good photo, I love it.

Then one is taken in the shadows to help our eyes rest from the brightness of the first. A super choice and it’s just as fun to imagine what all could be going on here. Does that van belong to the Joe’s Ginger restaurant or does it belong to the place really close to the camera? I’d suspect that they could both reach it quickly. And those people walking the street, are they headed home or to work? Maybe the one with the bag is going to the van to deliver some food somewhere?

Finally, this photo with the nice view of the sky! Almost seems like it’s getting dark, in a way; if that isn’t just a rainstorm getting ready. That Mean Girls advertisement has to be near a movie theater, doesn’t it? Would be a great place to burn some money with either darkness or rain. (But if you ask me, I’d probably stop by the ice cream and milkshake place on the right. Both spaces seem great!)

These were all taken in New York, before I forget! I always love photos like these–thank you, the Cook, for allowing me to share these. Weren’t they well done? If you’d like to see more art (not just photos), drop by Backseat Drawing in Discord!

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