Swimsuit Clowns

The first thing that gets my attention in this piece is the super nice photo of the beach! It doesn’t look to be a long walk to splash in the water there in the background. And I bet these girls go to it when they get too frustrated with their volleyball game.
Speaking of frustration…the character closest to the net looks almost like it’s time to be thrown into the water. She looks like she’s ready to go over there and shake the color out of the green character. This is a very fun piece.

Cloisting Around

TfSyndicate mentions that this picture was taken at The Met Cloisters and it’s a great focus on those windows. They’re a great focus for this image, look at the way they were built. It’s like these windows are inviting people to just look into them.
I love how the characters were drawn so well with the perspective! I wonder what all they looked at while they were at this museum? Did they like the Roman or Gothic parts of this? Whatever the case, they really do seem to be enjoying their time here.

Stella playing Backgammon

You know, I don’t understand the first thing about Backgammon. But it sure looks like Stella is thinking hard for her first move. And isn’t the board such a nice focus for this image? It’s dark enough to draw attention, for sure, and I love the contrast between the board and the pattern on the floor.

Can you imagine trying to play this game against this robot, though? I bet it makes the game even more difficult than it normally is.

Not only are the characters super cute but TFSyndicate took the photos that everything was drawn on! He took all three of these with an iPhone7, isn’t that neat? Here is the link to his gallery so that you can enjoy more!

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