This is the weirdest thing, but every time I open Clip Studio? Microsoft’s answer to Dropbox insists signing up is the best idea. …My Dropbox has more space than what OneDrive offers at the current moment. So no, OneDrive, I’ve got no interest in you whatsoever.

There a way to make it stop coming up at all? I’m afraid to delete it, what and how touchy Microsoft has been about other programs, but it’s honestly useless to me.
Either way, there’s finally some good news on the picture I’ve been working on! Finally got the basic style idea on Valeon and now, it shouldn’t take that long to get the rest of them painted. There’s no reason that I shouldn’t be able to paint this way 4 more times, right? (Didn’t know I could paint like this at all, considering. So I’m more thrilled than I ought to be.)
Valeon’s Clothing: CherrysDesigns
Ground texture: Stockf8
Just for fun, to see what it looked like.

Also, next week’s post may be a bit late. It’s time for Vacation Bible School and they’d like me to help out in the classes again. Wish us luck–we’re going to be squeezing down the time in most activities so we’ll be finished earlier. Last year, some of the kids who lived further away were getting home around 10 at night, and we agreed at the meeting that was unacceptable.
Definitely think about our Crafts Lady, she’s gone from having about an hour per group to thirty minutes. It’s going to be a challenge on her with that many excited youngins.
All that said, we’re expecting it to be just as fun as the last time! 

0 thoughts on “Flip yourself, OneDrive!

  1. It should be possible, especially since I don't have that problem. (I personally mirror all my important documents on both DropBox and Google Drive.)

    (For Windows 10) try going into Settings > Apps, and then search for OneDrive in the Programs list. You should be able to disable or uninstall it from that menu.

  2. It should be possible, especially since I don't have that problem. (I personally mirror all my important documents on both DropBox and Google Drive.)

    (For Windows 10) try going into Settings > Apps, and then search for OneDrive in the Programs list. You should be able to disable or uninstall it from that menu.

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