Haven’t recovered from my many Dr appointments yet so haven’t much been sketching yet. Super sorry about that! I hope y’all enjoy me being a dolt instead, trying to make my PC get to working again?

Have worked for a whole week to force Firefox and Google Chrome to get to working again. They just refused to load after I clicked em. I have been back and forth, in and out of Safe Mode running so many virus scans that found nothing. Absolutely nothing at all. Quite frustrating.
Do you have any idea what I needed to do about Firefox? Get it in Avast’s Sandbox mode so I could get in and tell it to clear the startup stuff. So very many facepalms about that when I accidentally figured it out.

Even more maddening than Firefox not behaving? I somehow let “Avira Security”, the supposed Virus Scanner and Security getup, get on my PC while I was working on Firefox. So shameful that I didn’t realize it was there til things started being controlled that I didn’t want protected… So. very. maddening. XD I’m gonna eventually be the cause this beautiful machine stops working if I’m not careful! This fake thing didn’t swarm me with popups but the damnable thing has to be deleted by playing in Safe Mode and following several instructions to get rid of it. Here is where I found them, in case you’ve somehow gotten the same thing stuck with you, lately.
Don’t beat yourself up about having to deal with this thing if you must. It’s a lot more sneaky that it ought to be (at least in my super sleepy/sick state)!

In better news, when I’ve played Kingmaker before I got so exhausted, I’ve gotten Valeon to being the Baron of the Stolen Lands! It’s gonna be great when Jamandi Aldori makes a mess…I really think she’s gonna do something awful for some reason and can’t wait for it. XD
Just hope Valeon has been set up properly to deal with it when the rocks start falling.

See y’all next week, this time with some actual sketches. Thanks for being so patient with me!

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