Art-of-Akrosh has been tutoring me for a time now and he is so very clear with how and what to do to help upgrade your ability! I’ve been posting his videos on my Videos page but this is even more exciting…he’s opening up slots for other students! Here is his DeviantArt account to see an example of what he can teach you! And I have absolutely got to mention his skill with 3D work. You’ll see that on his YouTube, here!

(Do go to his YouTube when you have a chance. It shows how he creates some of his 3D work!)

What I’ve been getting out of the tutoring is amazing so far. Here are a couple examples of what I was doing before I met him:

And now, after a bit of his instruction and teaching:





I never knew I’d use Blender for anything at all. Art-of-Akrosh was able to make it completely understandable to me! And he’s been doing a super job teaching me how to stop making my drawings as flat as they were pre-tutoring.
And the poses! They look a lot more sensible than how I was doing before, instead of guessing. That is all helped with his instruction and I look forward to what comes later.

He’s also great to just chat with. I can’t forget to say that one! There have been several fun conversations about anything and nothing. XD

His monthly tutoring prices are very sensible and what you get from it is so very worth it! So, if you’re interested in getting in contact with him for tutoring, I already gave you his DeviantArt account; he is also Art-of-Akrosh on Discord!

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