As you read on Monday, that original base and mountain was flooded because the owners of that realm just didn’t know what they were doing. So my fire elemental had to flee for his life and try to start up a better space. So far, it’s working out…lets hope that those annoying destroyers didn’t follow him all the way here. (After all, it’s not like one is controlling everything in game, right? XD)

The stairs go up to his caverns in what will become his volcano. But here’s the Bell Tower and the Well that can be used by the villagers! These were fun to get figured out…about as fun as it was to finally set up a farm, house, and barn-like section. (The glass on top of the barn is a little odd, but it was put there so I could see everything better.)

Can you believe I didn’t bother to get a picture of the inside of the house? It’s a tiny spot but has a bed and some things for a villager to get to ignore during their dull lives.

Here’s a zoom out that shows the escaped chickens from the barn and how things look in general at the moment. When I get into the game, I’ll eventually knock down that part of a mountain on the left side so another section for a house will fit. The place needs at least one shop while I’m thinking about it and a blacksmith…after those are built, we’ll see what else comes up!
And can you believe that I’ve been so busy with the town, that poor ol Norux doesn’t have much of a base set up? That’s so sad and will have to be corrected soonish. When that finally happens, I’ll be sure to share more images!