And the flats are nearly complete! I can’t wait til I’m finished up with those blades…and eventually, tutor will let me go into the shadows and light with this. Gosh I can’t wait for that, even if I’m barely half done now…XD

I’m not at all unhappy with how Norux’s armor looks. Makes me wonder if his weapon sheath could be a black, what and how “plain” the rest of the colors he’s wearing are. It’d fit pretty well and it would let the swords be a shining silver on the blade and a…petrified wood on the handles, maybe? Something he wouldn’t accidentally burn anyway!
(Edit: Black/gray works! Yipee!)

The fire pose worked out a ton better than I was expecting with how everything was coming out. With any luck, the flame will swirl around him pretty well.

Edit Friday, August 28
Flats are complete! And the sword is far too fun for it’s own right, I don’t know why. XD But I like it and that’s all that matters at the moment. Thanks for being with me during the trip so far!

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