
I woke up today to find that someone from the Red Cross in this county, Ms. Burks, had emailed me to say that she got my resume and to set up a time to meet her at the county chapter! 

I’m so very excited, maybe I’ll get some volunteering down (for that year needed) and then somehow manage to get me a job! I’m scared to death and so excited in the same. ^_^ Perhaps I can get into one of the labs in the county–hopefully in town or close to it–and actually start DOING something other than sitting on my rear, playing pretend half the day! 

And I know I’ll be alright. If this is what the Lord wants me to be doing, I’ll have no trouble with my energy levels or anything. Plus, as energized as I was during clinicals, I’m sure I’ll be okay too. 

Hope that this works like it should and that I can do this. So nervous, so excited to finally get to be doing something with my life.

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0 thoughts on “Ohmystarsohmystars!

  1. I so very hope that things go well. I've asked for four days a week and that it's fairly regular. But then comes the 'interrogation' that I expect–it comes with the grounds of medical stuff.

    Veh, I'll do fine with those when it comes. ^^ I hope I get that far. XD

  2. I so very hope that things go well. I've asked for four days a week and that it's fairly regular. But then comes the 'interrogation' that I expect–it comes with the grounds of medical stuff.

    Veh, I'll do fine with those when it comes. ^^ I hope I get that far. XD

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