Someone’s noticed something I forgot to do on this picture–I got too occupied and forgot to add in the brighter hues for the face looking
Blender’s doing something a little odd and I can’t find an answer to it. I can’t edit anything to be any longer than a tiny
My collection keeps growing and my room is going to end up turning into a small library if I keep doing this. It starts with
Something that’s a bit darker than how I normally paint. Take a look! Someone in the chat I’m in has mentioned that I’m very low
I’ve been practicing with it! I can bring up the screens that I need and can just about get any recording into it. Going to
First, I’ve been mouthing about therapy here and again. Today went great. There’s been a noticeable improvement for my balance and left hip at this
(Edit: Oct 27 post) He’d be a little better if I knew how to detail the jeans more but right now I’m very happy with