Schedules schedules and schedules.

  • Schedule for my interview has been changed. I’ve got til Friday to be nervous about it now. XD Not that I believe anything would actually have changed because of the delay, just the fact it’s an interview to get some work experience!
  • I am never going to be ready to sing the song that my Sunday School class is gonna do. It takes me longer than a week to be certain of the lyrics! Though I suppose I shouldn’t be too awfully worried about this, we’re going to be out practicing the song before the service anyway…but I still hate how little I know this one!
  • And if I’m ever going to learn how to speed up my drawing/stop being so nitpicky about things that people won’t even really notice, I’d better start working on one that I wanna fix anyway! @@ Sure, finding good references for the poses is necessary, but sometimes I wonder if I’m just hiding from me. >>;

And still all the ones I don’t list. XD I know it’ll come together just fine–things always do–but stars alive. Right now you’d think I’m one of the queens of procrastination. 

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