Turns out Stardew was much better than I was imagining. It’s an upgrade to the Harvest Moon  I own, anyway! Everything you’d have to unlock in HM is something that’s already open in Stardew and I’ve been enjoying the freedom. ^^

Got some work done on “Surrounded!” too, by some magic. Guy coming in has most of his body painted, just need to get his shoulder-bits and helmet. If my mind hadn’t burned out after this bit, I’d have moved on to the wizard but…I could whine or could just be pleased with what I’ve gotten so far, and the second option is much easier than the first!

The guy to the left is going to need another light-check, too. I think I started his light source wrong. (Thank goodness Clip Studio has an option to light the pose dolls, will play with that again when it’s his turn.)

This’s been one of my longest pieces, not helped by my sudden purchase. It’s going to look so good when it’s done though! Just have to puzzle out the last couple things and it’ll come out very easily, if the work on the frontmost character was anything. Thank goodness.

Edit: Fellow running in is finished! He looks so much better!

Valeon’s clothing design: CherrysDesigns
Ground Texture: Stockf8

Sorry for my dull memory, Robyn! >< So far, this recent bit is what I’ve painted with your help!
Edit 2: I also seem to have forgotten some credits that were deserved. Let me mention RobynRose and her reference packs for lighting! Because of her help, I was able to set up the lighting on my program’s dolls and was able to get a feel for how the light ought to be painted from the photos she made.

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