Therapy. And Tre’s values are DONE!

First, I’ve been mouthing about therapy here and again. Today went great. There’s been a noticeable improvement for my balance and left hip at this point–which was very much needed. Thanks to those at Therapy Plus for helping me get this far!
…I almost wish that I had more than two weeks left. It’s nice to go there and exercise, the people are great (and very much fun) and it’s nice to be able to use the stepper that they put me on!

I’m thrilled with how Tre’s turned out so far, too!

Fairly sure that the coloring will defy some of this valuing, I can tell a little bit of it doesn’t reach dark enough, but it’s so nice to have an idea! Some color should be…I don’t want to say ‘soon’, as long as it’s taken me to do this bit, but there will be something coming in the next few posts. ^^

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