Wii fit weighing complaints. XD

The wii fit always counts me lower in weight after I’ve exercised than before. XD And I really don’t know if that’s a mistake in the game (cause you know the Wii is actually a gaming console) or if it’s something to do with actually exercising. 

Blah. I’m not dying because the weighing is a little untrustworthy. I’m just glad I can get some exercise and not boil myself outside or something. xx; This time of year is not the time to be outside doing much of anything…tch! And everyone else is out there enjoying themselves! In all that heat. 

… *jealousy* XD

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0 thoughts on “Wii fit weighing complaints. XD

  1. Illinois is no different. We had a heat wave just a couple of weeks ago, and I started sleeping during the day and being awake at night to save on electricity.

  2. It was something that I was able to stay out in here, too. Why can't it stay around this temp and not hotter? But Alabama has to have hot seasons.

  3. It was something that I was able to stay out in here, too. Why can't it stay around this temp and not hotter? But Alabama has to have hot seasons.

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