Do I spend far too much time on any game? Ask me about Gems of War…XD Level 190!
And no matter how much this game is annoying for some reason or another, I’m still enjoying it far too much. Super thanks to my friends who recommended it several years back! Of course, I’m playing a warlord (love how much she can break things XD) with her team worrying about defense while she attacks whatever’s in front of her.
But I’d be wrong to not mention the Sunbird who’s able to pick up and quickly attack while the rest of them are getting warmed up. Thank goodness I’m not totally defenseless while the hard hitters are getting ready. XD
Just wanted to natter about my team a little bit since I’m still so hooked on this game. Do y’all have things that are keeping you occupied and busy like I’ve been with this? Would love to hear about it!