Unfairly tales

This was such a treat to get to look at! Look at how high she was in this photo. Don’t the buildings and animals look like just toys here? And take a look at these trees; they look so cute from this angle! If you take a look at the main image I’ve linked to, you’ll see that this was taken in Switzerland. 

…yeaaaah, this photo has just given me yet another reason to like that place from afar. XD

smile of the cat

Erdbeersternchen gives a very fun challenge in the artist comment, “You’ll know when you find it!” 

I personally enjoy the black and white here. It could never have had the same statement in color. What do you think you see? …do you see it at all?

Dream how I dream to feel

Knowing that a photographer doesn’t have to get physically close to a subject doesn’t really satisfy my question on this. How in the world did she keep the moth from flying off? Love the background on this, too, how she was able to keep the moth between those pieces of grass? (A not so windy morning or night, perhaps?)

Gosh, it was such a treat to get to go through Erdbeersternchen’s gallery. You should take the chance to take a look as well; I promise that it’s gonna be worth your time! 

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