Sunset in Sorrento

I wonder if that is cloud or land at the horizon? It’s probably land, what and how slightly the color in the distance is different than the clouds above and around it. (At least that’s my rationale!) The sky keeps my attention for longer, though. The gold to orange to the cloudy purple is gorgeous and look at how prominent the sun is!

On first glance, I imagined that the ship is sailing its way to find the unknown on the land so far ahead. This would be a great piece for the cover of an adventure book!
Italian Coast from a boat

The water and sky in this piece are a great set-off for the mountains and then the city on the coast! This is definitely one of the pieces I love most in CaptianEdwardTeague’s gallery, personally. Look at how clear everything is and how beautiful the colors came out in this.

Can’t blame him for wanting to go back to Italy after capturing something like he has here!
Modern Day Pompeii and Coast Line

Another gorgeous photo! It’s fun to see the cliff over the water and isn’t the city itself set off nicely from the dark coloration to the north of it? And this angle is just fun to see, I wonder where he was standing when he took this?

I can’t tell you how glad I am that CaptainEdwardTeague shared these when I asked for pieces to feature! Here is his gallery…To find more photos of his trip to Italy, look through the folders for the one named Italy, he has 94 pics in there. But I have to encourage you to look through his main gallery and other folders that are listed!

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