And of course it’d be in the 2D option, on the first settings, wouldn’t it? XD No wonder I was struggling to find it when I was making the basic squares! (Will certainly bookmark that link for later use.) But the marks I’ve made at the moment was from…forgetting how she got into things with her video and poking around.
Not unhappy at all. It’s just not at all what I intended to do. XD Going to poke around some more and see if there’s a way I can draw on the cubes when they’re set down. Honestly, I never new that blender had so much stuff, aside from the cubes and the bit that does videos! It’s so fun to have a PC that’ll cooperate and poke around a program this big.
As for learning more about Blender, I know the Blender Guru’s videos. And the one I found just today, Eve Sculpts. Would anyone happen to know anyone else’s videos that are easy-ish to follow? Thanks!

Toying around and playing since I found things…it’s so fun to go around this and see how it’s desperately leaning. XD