Toa Tahu A character from BIONICLE, apparently a video game and Lego characters! I wonder what this one’s job is, if they’re “construction toys”.
Category: OC
Feature 223–reiiizend
[Happy] Family This family looks very “happy”…and I don’t believe it’s all because they’re apparently goth; as we see later. But I love how
Feature 220–Blueoriontiger
Mrs. Hudson’s Discovery That kid is holding onto the character so tightly…I hope the both of them can find what happened to him! This
Feature 202–HyliaBeilschmidt
Naval Supremacy Ooo, I wonder where he’s standing? Clearly on a battle ship (I assume) but just look how well the other ship was
Feature 186–MeltingCORE1994
Gradient Winds The colors chosen in this piece are so so pretty! And that lake is so very pretty, personally loving how it’s coming
All Boro Island–Cutie Pies I really enjoy how sweet these two look! One of them is meant to be her persona (I assume the
Original Character Plush (Version 2) Isn’t this so neat! FabricFeatures created this for a university project…mercy, I hope that they had a great score for